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Park, J.W.
1994. Functional properties of protein additives in surimi gels. J. Food Sci. 59: 525-527.
Park, J.W., Yongsawatdigul, J., and Lin, T.M. 1994. Rheological behavior
and potential cross-linking of Pacific whiting surimi. J. Food Sci. 59:773-776.
Howe, J.R.,
Hamann, D.D., Lanier, T.C., and Park, J.W. 1994. Fracture of Alaska pollock
gels in water: Effects of minced muscle processing and test temperature. J. Food Sci. 59:777-780.
Park, J.W.
1994. Cryoprotection of muscle proteins by carbohydrates and polyalcohols - A review. J. Aquat. Food
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Lin, T.M.,
Park, J.W., and Morrissey, M.T. 1995.
Recovered protein and recondition of water from surimi processing waste.
J. Food Sci. 60:4-9.
Yongsawatdigul, J., Park, J.W., Kolbe, E., AbuDagga, Y., and Morrissey,
M.T. 1995. Ohmic heating maximizes
gel functionality of Pacific whiting surimi. J. Food Sci. 60:10-14.
Park, J.W.
1995. Surimi gel colors as affected
by moisture content and physical conditions. J. Food Sci. 60:15-18.
Park, J. W.
1995. Effects of salt, surimi and/or starch content on fracture properties of
gels at various test temperatures. J. Aquat. Food
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Yongasawatdigul, J., Park, J.W., and Kolbe, E.
1995. Electrical conductivity of Pacific whiting surimi during ohmic
heating. J. Food Sci. 60:922-925,
Pipatsattayanuwong, S., Park, J.W., and Morrissey,
M.T. 1995. Functional properties and shelf life of
fresh surimi from Pacific whiting.
J. Food Sci. 60:1241-1244.
Yongsawatdigul, J. and Park, J.W. 1996. Linear heating rate affects gel
formation of Alaska pollock and Pacific whiting. J. Food Sci. 61:149-153.
Lin, T.M. and
Park, J.W. 1996a. Extraction of
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Park, J.W.
1996. Temperature-tolerant fish protein gels using konjac flour. J. Muscle Food 7:165-174.
Lin, T.M. and
Park, J.W. 1996b. Protein
solubility in Pacific whiting affected by proteolysis during storage. J. Food Sci. 61:536-539.
Kim, J.M., Liu,
C.H., Eun, J.B., Park, J.W., Oshimi,
R., Hayashi, K., Ott, B., Aramaki, T., Sekine, M., Horikita, Y.,
Fujimoto, K., Aikawa, T., Welch, L., and Long,
R. 1996. Surimi from fillet frames
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Lin, T.M. and
Park, J.W. 1997. Effective washing conditions reduce
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J. Aquat. Food Prod. Tech. 6(2):65-79.
Yongsawatdigul, J., Park, J.W., and Kolbe, E. 1997a. Texture degradation kinetics of gels
made from Pacific whiting surimi. J. Food
Process Eng. 20:433-452.
Yongsawatdigul, J., Park, J.W., and Kolbe, E. 1997b. Degradation kinetics of myosin heavy
chain of Pacific whiting surimi. J.
Food Sci. 62:724-728.
Yoon, W.B.,
Park, J.W., and Kim, B.Y. 1997a.
Linear programming in blending various components in surimi
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Yoon, W.B.,
Park, J.W., and Kim, B.Y. 1997b.
Surimi-starch interactions based on mixture design and regression models. J. Food Sci. 62:555-560.
Park, J.W.,
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Yang, H. and
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Lin, T.M. and
Park, J.W. 1998. Solubility of salmon myosin as affected
by conformational changes at various ionic strengths and pH. J. Food Sci. 62:215-218.
Lee, N.G. and
Park, J.W. 1998. Calcium compounds to improve gel
functionality of Pacific whiting and Alaska pollock surimi. J. Food Sci. 63:969-974.
Wu, H., Kolbe,
E., Flugstad, B., Park, J.W., and Yongsawatdigul, J.
1998. Electrical properties of fish
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Yoon, W.B.,
Park, J.W., Kim, B.Y., and Kim, M.H. 1998. Dynamic properties of surimi-based
seafood product as a function of moisture content. Food Eng. Progress 2(1):23-29.
Su, A., Kolbe
E., and Park, J.W. 1999. A model of heat transfer coefficient of
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Shie, J.S. and Park, J.W. 1999. Physical characteristics of surimi
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Yoon, W.B.,
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1999. Rheological
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gels. J. Food Sci. 64:291-294.
Yongsawatdigul, J. and Park, J.W.
1999. Thermal aggregation and dynamic rheological properties of Pacific
whiting and cod myosin as affected by heating rate. J. Food Sci. 64:679-683.
Choi, Y.J., Kim, I-S., Cho, Y-J, Seo, D-H, Lee, T-G, Park, Y-B, and Park, J.W. 1999. Peptide properties of rapid salted and
fermented anchovy sauce using various proteases. 2. Characterization of
hydrolytic peptides from anchovy sauce and actomyosin. J. Korean Fish. Soc. 32(4):488-494.
Kim, I-S., Choi, Y-J., Heu, M-S., Cho, Y-J., Im, Y-S., Gu, Y-S., Yeo, S-G., and Park, J. W. 1999. Peptide properties of rapid salted and fermented anchovy
sauce using various proteases. 1. Hydrolysis of anchovy sauce and actomyosin by
various proteases. J. Korean Fish. Soc. 32(4):481-487.
Klesk, K., Yongsawatdigul, J.,
Park, J.W., Viratchakul, S., and Virulhakul,
P. 2000. Gel forming ability of tropical tilapia
surimi as compared with Alaska pollock and Pacific whiting surimi. J. Aquat Food
Prod. Technol. 9(3):91-104.
Yongsawatdigul, J., Park, J.W., Virulhakul,
P., and Viratchakul, S. 2000. Proteolytic degradation of tropical
tilapia surimi. J. Food Sci.
Zhao, Y., Flugstad, B., Kolbe, E.,
Wells, J.H., and Park, J.W. 2000. Using capacitive (Radio Frequency)
dielectric heating in food processing and preservation – a review. J. Food Process Eng. 23:25-55.
Choi, Y.J.,
Cho, M.S., and Park, J.W. 2000.
Effect of hydration time and salt addition on gelation properties of major
protein additives. J. Food Sci.
Lopetcharat, K., Choi, Y.J.,
Park, J.W., and Daeschel, M.D. 2001. Fish sauce products and manufacturing - a
review. Food Rev. Int¡¯l 17(1):65-88.
Yoon, W.B. and Park, J.W. 2001. Development of linear heating rates
using conventional baths and computer simulation. J. Food Sci. 66(1):132-136.
Hoffman, J. and Park, J.W.
2001. Improved torsion
testing using molded surimi gels.
J. Aquat. Food Prod. Technol. 10(2):75-84.
Wendel, A.,
Park, J.W., and Kristbergsson. 2002. Recovered meat
from Pacific whiting frames. J. Aquat. Food Prod. Technol. 11(1):5-18.
Lopetcharat, K. and Park,
J.W. 2002. Characterization of fish sauce made from
Pacific whiting and surimi by-products during fermentation stage. J. Food Sci. 67(2):511-516.
Reynolds, J., Park, J.W., and Choi, Y.J. 2002. Physicochemical properties of Pacific
whiting surimi as affected by various freezing and storage conditions. J. Food Sci. 67(6):2072-2078.
Choi, Y.J. and Park, J.W.
2002. Acid-aided protein
recovery from enzyme-rich Pacific whiting.
J. Food Sci.
Yongsawatdigul, J. and Park, J.W.
2002. Biochemical and
conformational changes of actomyosin from threadfin bream stored in ice. J. Food Sci. 67(3):
Yongsawatdigul, J., Worrato, A., and Park,
J.W. 2002. Effect of endogenous transglutaminase on
threadfin bream surimi gelation. J.
Food Sci. 67(9): 3258-3263.
Jaczynski, J. and Park,
J.W. 2002. Temperature prediction
during thermal processing of surimi seafood. J. Food Sci.
Choi, Y.J., J.D. Park, J-S. Kim, Y-J.
Cho and J.W. Park. 2002. Rheological properties of heat-induced gels of surimi
from acid and alkali process. J Korean Fish Soc, 35(4), 309-314.
Tungkawachra, S., Park, J.W., and Choi, Y.J. 2003. Biochemical properties and consumer
acceptance of Pacific whiting fish sauce. J. Food Sci. 68(3):855-860.
Jaczynski, J. and Park, J.W. 2003. Predictive models for microbial
inactivation and texture degradation in surimi seafood during thermal
processing. J. Food Sci.
Kim, Y.S., Park, J.W., and Choi,
Y.J. 2003. New approaches for the
effective recovery of fish proteins and their physicochemical
characteristics. J. Fisheries Sci.
Yongsawatdigul, J. and Park, J.W.
2003. Thermal denaturation
and aggregation of threadfin bream actomyosin. Food Chemistry
Jaczynski, J. and Park, J.W. 2003. Microbial inactivation and
electron penetration in surimi seafood during electron beam processing. J. Food Sci. 68(5):1788-1792.
Jaczynski, J and Park, J.W. 2003. Physicochemical properties of surimi
seafood as affected by electron beam and heat. J. Food Sci. 68(5): 1626-1630.
Han, G.H., Kim, B.Y., Hahm, Y.T., and Park, J.W. 2003. Development of optimized feed
formulation using agricultural and marine by-products. Food Sci. Biotechnol.
Thawornchinsombut, S. and Park, J.W. 2004. Roles of pH in solubility and
conformational changes of Pacific whiting muscle proteins. J. Food Biochem.
Jaczynski, J. and Park, J.W. 2004. Physicochemical changes of Alaska
pollock surimi and surimi gels as affected by electron beam. J. Food Sci 69(1):FCT53-57.
Choi, M.R., Yoo,
E.J., Lim, H.S., and Park, J.W.
2003. Biochemical and
physiological properties of fermented skate. Korean J. Life Sci. 13(5):675-683.
Yongsawatdigul, J., and Park, J.W.
2004. Effects of alkali and acid solubilization on gelation
characteristics of rockfish muscle proteins. J. Food Sci. 69 (7):C499-505.
Yoon, W.B., Gunasakaran,
S., and Park, J.W. 2004. Evaluating viscosity of surimi paste at different
moisture contents. Applied Rheology
Esturk, O., Park, J.W., and Thawornchinsombut,
S. 2004. Thermal sensitivity of fish proteins from various species on
rheological properties of gels. J.
Food Sci. 69(7):E412-6.
Kim, J.S. and Park, J.W. 2004. Characterization of acid-soluble
collagen from Pacific whiting surimi processing by-products. J. Food Sci. 69(8):C367-42.
Yoon, W.B., Gunasakaran,S., and Park,
J.W. 2004. Characterization of thermorheological behavior of Alaska pollock and
Pacific whiting surimi. J. Food Sci. 69(7):E1-5.
J Park. 2004. Surimi gel preparation
and texture analysis for better quality control. Dev Food Sci 42:333-341.
J Yongsawatdigul,
JW Park. 2004. Gelation of threadfin bream surimi as affected by thermal
denaturation, transglutaminase, and proteinase(s) activities. Dev Food Sci 42:343-356.
Thawornchinsombut, S. and Park, J.W. 2005. Roles of NaCl in solubility and
conformational changes of Pacific whiting muscle proteins. J. Food Biochem.
Kim, Y.S., Yongsawatdigul,
J., Park, J.W., and Thawornchinsombut, S. 2005. Characteristics of sarcoplasmic proteins
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Kim, J.S. and Park, J.W. 2005.
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Thawornchinsombut, S., Park, J.W., Meng, G., and Li-Chan, E.C.Y. 2006.
Raman spectroscopy determines structural changes associated with gelation
properties of fish proteins recovered at alkaline pH. J. Agr. Food
Chem. 54:2178-2187.
Thawornchinsombut, S. and Park, J.W.
2006. Frozen stability of fish protein isolate at various storage
conditions. J. Food Sci. 71(3): C227-C232.
Esturk, O., Park, J.W., Baik, M.Y.,
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Kok, N. and Park, J.W. 2006. Elucidating factors affecting the
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Kok, N. and Park, J.W. 2007. Extending the shelf life of
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Park, J.D. and
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Pongviratchai, P. and Park, J.W. 2007. Physical properties of fish proteins
cooked with starches or protein additives under ohmic heating. J. Food Quality 30:783-796.
Pongviratchai, P. and Park, J.W. 2007. Electrical conductivity and physical
properties of surimi-potato starch paste under ohmic heating. J Food Sci 72(9):E503-E507.
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Park CH, Lee JH, Kang KT, Park JW,
Kim JS. 2007. Characterization of acid-soluble
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discharge). Food Sci. Biotechnol. 16(4): 549-556.
90. Park JD, Yongsawatdigul
J, Choi, YJ, Park JW. 2008. Biochemical and conformational changes of myosin
purified from Pacific sardine at various pH. J Food
Sci 73(3):C191-197.
91. Reed ZH, Park JW. 2008. Qualification
and Quantification of Fish protein in prepared surimi crabstick. J Food Sci. J
Food Sci 73(5):C329-334.
92. Kang EJ, Hunt AL, Park JW. 2008. Effects of salinity on physicochemical properties of
Alaska pollock surimi after repeated freeze-thaw cycles. J Food Sci. 73(5):C347-355.
Kim, B.Y. and
Park, J.W. 2008. Capillary extrusion viscometer for viscosity measurement of
fish protein paste. J Food
Quality. 31:536-548.
94. Kim, YS, Park, JW. 2008. Negative
roles of salt in gelation properties of fish protein isolate. Food Sci. 73(8):C585-588.
95. Choi YJ, Hur S, Choi BD, Konno K, and Park
JW. 2009. Enzymatic hydrolysis of recovered
protein from frozen small croaker and functional properties of its
hydrolysates. J Food Sci 74 (1): C17-C24.
Kim JS, Schnee R, Park JW. 2009. Chemical and functional properties of various blends of
phosphates. Food Quality 32:504-521.
Hunt A, Getty
KJK, Park JW. 2009. Roles of starch in surimi seafood: A review.
Food Reviews International 25(4):299-312.
Reed ZH, Park JW. 2009. Estimating the quantity of egg
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Chemistry 118(2010) 575-581.
Hunt A, Handa A, Park JW. 2009. Effect of various types of egg
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100. Poowakanjana J, Park JW. 2009. Controlling the
bleeding of carmine colorant in crabstick.
J Food Sci 74(9):C707-712.
Tadpitchayangkoon P, Park JW, Yongsawatdigul J.
2010. Conformational changes and dynamic rheological properties of fish
sarcoplasmic proteins treated at various pHs. Food Chemistry 121:1046-1052.
Park CH, Kim
HJ, Kang KT, Park JW, Kim JS. 2009. Fractionation and agiotensin
I-conversion enzyme (ACE) inhibitory activity of gelatin hydrolysates from
by-products of Alaska pollock surimi. Fish Aqua Sci 12(2):79-85.
Park CH, Kim
HJ, Kang KT, Park JD, Heu MS, Park JW, Kim JS. 2009.
Fractionation of gelatin hydrolysates with antioxidative activity from Alaska
Pollock surimi refiner discharge. Fish Aqua Sci 12(3):163-170.
Heu, MS, Park CH, Kim HJ, Park JW, Kim JS. 2009. Partial
purification of antioxidative peptides from gelatin hydrolysates of Alaska
pollock surimi refiner discharge.
Fish Aqua Sci 12(4):249-257.
Reed ZH, Park
JW. 2010. Quantification of Alaska pollock
surimi in prepared crabstick by competitive ELISA using a myosin light chain 1
specific peptide. Food Chemistry
Hunt A, Getty
KJ, Park JW. 2010. Screening of special starches for use in temperature
tolerant fish protein
gels. J Food Quality 33 (777):100-118.
Hunt A, Getty
KJ, Park JW. 2010. Development of temperature tolerant surimi gels using
starch-protein interactions. J Food Quality 33 (777):119-137.
108. Reed ZH, Park JW. 2011.
Rheological and biochemical characterization of salmon myosin using a constant
heating rate. J Food Sci C343-349.
109. Tadpitchayangkoon P, Park JW, Mayer SG, Yongsawatdigul
J. 2010. Structural
changes and dynamic rheological properties of sarcoplasmic proteins subjected
to pH-shift method. J Agric Food Chem. 58:4241-4249.
110. Reed ZH, Guilford W, Park JW. 2011. Thermal denaturation of tilapia myosin and its subunits as affected by
constantly increasing temperature. J
Food Sci 76: C1018-1024.
111. Reed ZH, Park JW. 2011. Thermophysical characterization of tilapia myosin and its subfragments. J Food Sci.
112. Hur S, Cho SM, Kum SJ, Park JW and Kim DS. 2011. Rice flour – a functional
ingredient for premium crabstick. Food Sci and Biotech. 20(6):1639-1647
113. Yoon WB, Park JW. 2011. Analysis of stress-strain behavior of Alaska pollock paste
at constant moisture content. J Texture Studies 42: 430–434.
114. Tadpitchayangkoon P, Park JW, Yongsawatdigul J.
2012. Gelation characteristics of tropical surimi under water bath and ohmic
heating. LWT-Food Science and Technology 46:97-103.
115. Poowakanjana S, Mayer S, Park JW. 2012. Optimum
chopping condition of Alaska pollock, Pacific whiting, and threadfin bream surimi
paste and gel based on rheological and Raman spectroscopic analysis. J Food Sci
116. Nguyen HM,
Hwang IC, Park JW, Park HJ.2012. Photoprotection for deltamethrin using chitosan-coated
beeswax solid lipid nanoparticles. Pest Manag Sci
117. Nguyen HM,
Hwang IC, Park JW, Park HJ.2012. Enhanced payload and photo-protection for pesticides using
nanostructured lipid carriers with corn oil as liquid lipid. J
Microencapsulation 29(6):596-604.
118. Park JD, Poowakanjana S, Park
JW. 2012. Biochemical properties of pelagic
fish proteins as affected by isolation methods and gel properties by cooking
methods. J Aquatic Food
Prod Tech. 21(4):307-320
119. Poowakanjana S, Park JW. 2013. Biochemical characterization of Alaska pollock, pacific whiting, and threadfin bream surimi as affected by comminution conditions. Food Chemistry
120. Hunt A,
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of fish proteins and refined carrageenan as affected by various salts. J Food Quality 36 (2013) 51–58.
121. Park JD, Park JW, Yoon WB. 2013. Semi-empirical Relationship between Rupture Properties of Surimi
Pastes and Failure Shear Stress of Surimi Gels at Different Moisture Contents.
J Texture Studies 44 (3): 247–252.
122. Kim
H, Kim BY, Gunasekaran S, Park JW, WB Yoon. 2013. Comparison
of Concentration Dependence of Mechanical Modulus in Two Biopolymer Gel Systems
using Scaling Analysis. Food Sci. Biotechnol. 22(6): 1601-1606.
123. Yin T, Park JW. 2014. Effects of Nano-scaled fish bone on the gelation properties of
Alaska pollock surimi. Food Chemistry 150 (2014) 463–468.
124. Esturk O, Park JW. 2014. Comparative
study on degradation, aggregation and rheological properties of actomyosin from
cold, temperate and warm water fish species. Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
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125. Yin T, Reed ZH, Park JW. 2014. Gelling properties of surimi as affected by the particle size of
fish bone. LWT-Food Sci & Tech 58(2):412–416.
126. Poowakanjana S, Park JD, Park JW. 2014. Elucidating
the comminution steps to enhance the value of surimi from tropical fish. J Aquat Food Product Technol. Published online: 14 May
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127. Hunt A, Park JW. 2014. Effects of sodium bicarbonate on gelling properties of Alaska
pollock surimi prepared at different freezing rates. J Food Quality
128. Fowler MR, Park JW. 2015. Salmon
blood plasma: effective inhibitor of protease-laden Pacific whiting surimi and
salmon mince. Food Chemistry 176:448-454.
129. Fowler MR, Park JW. 2015. Effect of
salmon plasma protein on Pacific whiting surimi gelation
under various ohmic heating conditions. LWT-Food Sci and Tech. 61 (2): 309-315.
130. Yin T, Park JW. 2015. Textural and rheological properties of
Pacific whiting surimi as affected by nano-scaled fish bone and heating rates.
Food Chemistry 180 (2015) 42–47.
131. Yin T, Park JW. 2015. Optimum
processing conditions for slowly heated surimi seafood using protease-laden
Pacific whiting surimi. LWT-Food Sci and Tech. 63:490-496.
132. Poowakanjana S, Park JW, Moon JH,
Yoon WB. 2015. Assessing the dynamic rheology of surimi
paste as affected by
heating rates frequencies, and moisture
contents. J. Texture Studies 46:302-311.
133. Kokkaew H, Thawornchinsombut
S, Pitirith T, Park JW. 2015. Optimal conditions to
remove chemical hazards in fish protein isolates from tilapia frame using
response surface methodology. J Aquat Food Product
Tech. 24(7): 672-685.
134. Yin T, Park JW, Xiong SB. 2015.
Physical properties of nano fish bone prepared by wet media milling. LWT-Food
Sci & Tech 64:367-373.
135. Lee JH, Park JW. 2016. Pacific whiting frozen fillets as affected by postharvest
processing and storage conditions.
Food Chemistry 201-177-184.
136. Athaillah, Z, Park JW. 2016. Characterization
of surimi slurries and their films derived from myofibrillar proteins with
different extraction methods. Food Bioscience
137. Lee J, Fong Q, and Park JW. 2016. Effect
of pre-freezing treatments on the quality of Alaska pollock fillets subjected to freezing/thawing. Food Bioscience 16:50-55.
138. Kokkaew H, Thawornchinsombut
S, Park JW. 2016. Optimal
condition to remove mercury in yellowfin tuna protein isolates and
ACE-inhibitory property of peptide prepared using commercial proteases. Songklanakarin J. Sci. Technol. 38 (4), 439-447.
139. Kobayashi Y, Mayer SG, Park JW. 2017. Gelation properties of tilapia
fish protein isolate and surimi pre- and post-rigor. Food Bioscience 17: 17–23.
140. Kobayashi Y, Mayer SG, Park JW. 2017. FT-IR and Raman spectroscopies
determine structural changes of tilapia fish protein isolate and surimi under
different comminution conditions. Food
Chemistry 226 (2017) 156–164.
141. Kobayashi Y, Park JW. 2017. Biochemical and physical characterizations of fish protein isolate
and surimi prepared from fresh and frozen whole fish. LWT - Food Science and Technology
77 (2017) 200-207.
142. Lee MG, Yoon WB, and Park JW. 2017. Combined effect of pH and heating
conditions on the physical properties of Alaska pollock surimi gels. J Texture
Stud. 48:215–220.
143. Yin T, Park JW, Xiong SB. 2017. Effects of micron fish bone with different
particle size on the properties of silver carp (Hypophthalmichthys molitrix) surimi gel. J of Food Quality. Volume 2017 (2017),
Article ID 8078062, 8 pages. Published 28 Feb 2017.
144. Lee J, Park HW, Jenkins R, and Park JW. 2017. Image and chemical analyses for freezing-induced aggregates of
fish natural actomyosin as affected by various phosphate compounds. Food
Bioscience 19:57-64.
Moon JH, Yoon WB, Park JW. 2017. Assessing
the textural properties of Pacific whiting and Alaska pollock surimi gels
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Park, J.W. 2005. Surimi
and Surimi Seafood. Second
edition, revised/expanded, 960p. CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL.
Park JW. 2014. Surimi and Surimi
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(Updated March 2023)